The vital behaviours for successful software projects (agile
or not) are simply these: a) improve
communication by co-locating, b) get access to the customer and c) have short
delivery cycles. (Read part 1 of this post here). This is so simple, and
yet agile adoption continues to be a big question mark for many people and a
track is dedicated to the question at Agile2011. So how can we influence these
three behaviours?
The second half of the book “Influencer:
The Power to Change Anything” (Patterson, Grenny, Maxfield, McMillan,
Switzler) is devoted to the six types of influence strategies you can use to
make sure the vital behaviours occur. But first, let’s look at some quotes from
the book that describe strategies that we often find ourselves using, but that
have been proven to be ineffective:
“When it comes to resistant problems, verbal persuasion
rarely works” (No kidding eh?)
“People bet on
single-source influence strategies all the time (and fail)”
Understanding that I am a beginner influencer, here is a
brief summary of the six influence strategies found in the book with concrete
examples of how you can execute these strategies in order to bring about the
vital behaviours that will improve the results of your software projects.
1) Make the Undesirable Desirable (Personal Motivation)
If people find the behaviour undesirable then they are not
likely to exhibit that behaviour unless you can convince them it is fun. One
way to make the behaviour intrinsically satisfying is to turn it into a game. Keeping
track of things like velocity and the number of passing tests in a visible area
can be a fun way to keep score. As the team has early successes, find fun ways
to recognize them for their accomplishments such as completed stories,
iterations with decreasing defects and happier customers. One of our teams
rings a cow bell when a story is completed and employees cheer when they hear
the bell. The team also gives a syphilis stuffed toy to anyone that breaks the
build (they can redeem themselves by buying donuts). These are simple ways to
make new behaviours fun and desirable.
2) Surpass Your Limits (Personal Ability)
People need to be convinced that they have the ability to make the required changes. Send your team to a hands-on agile training so that they can experience what it is like to work on a project that exhibits these vital behaviours. Make sure that the training is hands-on rather than lecture based. Once the project has started, help your team to gain confidence by starting with short delivery cycles where they are producing working, high quality code (even if only in very small batches). Once the team sees early results they will gain confidence that they can change their approach.
3) Harness Peer Pressures (Social Motivation)
Use peer pressure to your advantage by creating a co-located
area. According to one of the studies in the book, “one variable more than any
other affected how people behaved: the presences of one more person”. Putting
people in a common space with expectations set for the 3 vital behaviours will
improve your team’s chances of changing their behaviours. Also, find the
opinion leader on your team (the one that has the most respect and influence)
and spend a lot of time with that person addressing their concerns. If there
are included in the process they will begin to share your ideas with the team
and the vital behaviours will occur.
4) Find Strength in Numbers (Social Ability)
We are more likely to be successful when we have a little
help from our friends. Create a dedicated team that is responsible for the
results and hold the team accountable rather than an individual. Teams that
work together are more likely to come up with a plan that will succeed.
5) Design Rewards and Demand Accountability (Structural
Any system of rewards can be dangerous. The book is very
careful to describe that if the other influence strategies are properly used,
rewards need only to be small in order to influence change. A simple strategy would
be to create a visual project management board where individuals can move
post-its from one column to another as they progress through the steps required
to complete each story. Moving a post-it is can symbolize a very small reward
that happens during your daily stand-up meetings. Rewards such as the cow bell
used above for completed stories can also be simple and effective.
6) Change the Environment (Structural Ability)
Make use of the physical environment to influence the
desired change. Create your co-located space so that it encourages people to
work together by removing the cubicle walls, office doors, etc. Increase the
“propinquity” of your teams and your customers by having them work in the same
space. “The best predictor of whether two people will work together is the
distance between them.” Additionally, make sure your visual project management
board is in a central place and displays some of the common metrics such as
velocity, wip limits, and burn down charts. This helps make the invisible
To recap, the Influencer book has some great ideas and
strategies on how to influence change. If you are considering how to influence
your team to improve their software project results, promote the three key
behaviours identified above by using all six influence strategies to make the
change inevitable. If your teams are struggling to exhibit the behaviours,
consider changing your influence strategies rather than giving up or targeting
other behaviours.