
Friday, November 5, 2010

What is your top 1 agile tip? @AgileVancouver

The agile Vancouver conference wrapped up yesterday - a great Canadian conference if you are wondering where to spend your training budget in 2011. On Wednesday morning we held an open space similar to the agile panel at SDEC. We opened the floor for questions, ranked them, and then spent 10 minutes on each topic. Since the open space was largely filled with speakers and experienced agilists, I asked this question: "What is your top 1 agile tip". Here are our responses with twitter usernames where applicable:

@lucisferre - "Working towards continuous delivery"
@dbelcham - "Be agile w/ agile practices. Adopt what works"
@mikeeedwards - "One step at a time. Find small wins"
unknown - "Adopt pair programming"
Angel from Spain - "Make the change come from them - get them to see the problem and come up with the improvement"
@Ang3lFir3 - "Can't do it without the right people. One bad egg spoils the whole bunch. Get the right people on the bus"
@dwhelan - "Find the bottlneck in your value flow and cut it in half"
@srogalsky - "Uncover better ways. Never stop learning. You are never finished being agile"
@mfeathers - "Don't forget about the code or it will bury you. It will $%#ing bury you"
@robertreppel - "Recognize your knowledge gaps and bring in help if you need it"
@jediwhale - "Pull the caps lock key off your keyboard"

Next time I'm in a panel, the question will be: "I love agile because..." Feel free to comment with your answers.


  1. And a bonus one from my notes by @mfeathers: "We all write bad code, but some of us refactor it"

  2. Nice list, you can definitely see the variety of perspectives people have on it.

  3. ... and, borrowing & extending the @mfeathers quote (sketchy Open/Closed Principle compliance goes with saying): "We all write bad code. Some of us refactor it. Denial is a river in Egypt."
