
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Build Quality In: Applicable in Football too

One of the lean software principles is "Build Quality In". In short, we try to build it right the first time in order to reduce or eliminate re-work and defects. I turns out that this same rule is applicable when training a running back not to fumble.

Here is a story in Yahoo about the Patriot's running back Green-Elllis who at the time of the article had an incredible streak - no fumbles in four seasons. His college coach said:

"Far too often, he has seen players fumble and then heard the coach afterward demand that his players protect the ball by not carrying it carelessly into traffic. This always struck him as backward. Why talk about ball security after a fumble? Why not before? What are the preventative measures? You’ve got to put running backs in a position where they can eliminate fumbles." 

To put this statement in the context of software development:

"Far too often, he has seen the number of failed tests rise and then heard the project manager and testers afterward demand that the software developers write better quality code. This always struck him as backward. Why talk about tests after development? Why not before? What are the preventative measures? You've got to put software developers in a position where they can eliminate defects."

Test first my friends, test first.